Saturday, February 2, 2019

Music and Islamic newspapers at the metro station

So, on the way home yesterday I ended up with an Islamic Russian-language newspaper when I stopped alongside the wall in the metro corridor to watch this musician (short video below). I was fishing around in my bag and a man approached me and asked if everything was okay and if I was interested in this newspaper. I said I did not want it but he said he would give me one free of charge so that I can see what it is like, so I took it, why not. On the way home today from a Shabbat service the same man approached me and then recognized me and smiled. He asked me how life was and said something else that I did not quite make out. I did not really listen because I was not feeling comfortable. I very briefly responded to him and then said "do svidaniya" and left. Now I feel awkward and I do not know if he could discern that I am a foreigner. Will he and the other newspaper men be there again tomorrow?

* * *

The answer is yes. It's just that I was taking the bus before, not the metro. I shall have to work on my "I can't see you" skills.

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