Friday, April 17, 2020


Dance is a great way to get the lifeblood flowing, and even to meditate. The camera slipped down when I started the video, so it is pointed a bit too low. I do not usually dance in a situation when anyone can observe me; I am going out on a very unfamiliar limb here to share this!

May you have a Shabbat filled to overflowing with shalom and simcha and ahavat haAv. Draw near to G-d and He will draw near to you, because He loves you. 🎶💃🏻👸🏻🧝‍♀️✨🕍📖🌱

The music is by the band Sons of Korah. It is Psalm 91. They are wonderful, please check them out, click on their name above to see their page. If it does not work, just search for their name.

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