Sunday, January 10, 2016

Frittata - Served With Lightning

In the midst of our post-Christmas discount candy overload, today I made myself a vegetable frittata for probably the first time. Previously I have made mashed up vegetable quesadillas. At this present time, I like this type of thing much better than plain eggs, plain quesadillas, or cheese omelettes, the latter of which I have never liked. It could have used some more lettuce.

Vegetable Frittata - 3 eggs, 1/4 orange bell pepper, shredded romaine lettuce,
some salt (even though I haven't been salting stuff)

It has been rainy all day and for the last half-hour or so we have had a thunder spell with lightning and huge rain drops, possibly with tiny hail. Our extremely sparse snowfall this winter is apparently an effect of the current El Niño phase.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, Everybody!

I wasn't think about New Year's much toward the end of 2015. Staying up after midnight is no longer novel experience for me and I actually began to think of going to bed early on New Year's Eve. Instead, we watched two movies, watched the ball drop on TV, lit our leftover Chanukah candles outside in the shape of "2016" and went to bed close to 1 a.m..

We have barely gotten any snow and the weather has just turned brisk.

Both of my hermit crabs are still alive, and so are the plants I didn't water all semester.

There is hope of getting my room more organized.

My job begins again tomorrow.

Two keys from my laptop are not currently connected to the keyboard of said laptop.

I am not doing any New Year's resolutions, but I am making some notes on things I've learned which would be good to keep in mind.

As of today I think I have submitted everything I need to for my application to Bard. I also got my final grades/crite sheets for CHEM 201 and JS 101, which were both good. Yay!

On with math, physics and English, et cetera!
