Friday, November 27, 2015

The Haircut - Before and After - And During

On Wednesday I got my pony tail cut off to donate to Locks of Love at A Razor's Edge in Kingston. This may be the only time my hair grows/I let it grow long enough to do so. I ended up getting my first ever salon haircut (nothing fancy). I hadn't actually had my hair cut for at least a year and it had grown very quickly in the last few months. It seems that I can do relatively short hair when the front is left longer. Here are some picture (not the greatest, mind you) from before and after - and during.

Before - With a braid

Before - Just plain
(it's curly because of the braid)

Before - With a ponytail

Before - With a bun

And Here It Comes:


And Just After:

Maybe I'll add some pictures of what I can do with my short hair later. It feels pretty nice and I wonder if it will have an impact on headache frequency. No more getting my hair stuck in under my backpack straps and zipping it into coats! I might have to start saving up money for haircuts if I like it so much. Some day I need to figure out how to fix my posture, too. Up next, we'll see how people react to the new look - I didn't tell anyone other than my family.

- Silvie

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