Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Recap of Week 2 (and other stuff)

My first solo lab procedure last Thursday went okay - I did take much longer than everyone to clean up, but I'll probably get better at that. I did not break or spill anything, so that was a plus. A few of us in the lab actually worked together some, asking each other questions and checking on things. I will not receive my huge assignment for this lab until next time (Thursday) since this lab is two weeks long. After that we have our first lab for a full lab report (also a two week lab).
     For JS 101 I have two 4-page papers due when we have class again on September 30th. About two weeks are left for that (aaaugh!), which means I need to get started and work on that while still keeping up on my chemistry.
     Today we had our first Orgo quiz. I think that it went pretty well except for at least three small mistakes I know that I made in one part. I will get that back on Thursday, too. I am starting to get a better idea of what I should concentrate on in the textbook. I will be making lots of review/guide sheets summarizing everything. Maybe I will take pictures of some stuff to share.
      Two Saturdays ago we came home to find what seemed to be a lithobates sylvaticus metamorph sitting on our screen door. It was very adorable. On Friday I went for a short walk and stepped on my first acorn of the season. I also found five baby snapping turtles on the road; sadly, only one was alive. We took pictures of it and then I brought it to the stream. The other four presumably were run over while trying to cross the road to reach the stream. I love frogs and turtles. The turtle's nostrils looked like a miniature version of a puppy-dog nose. It was also cute and very strong, though very clumsy when walking over fallen leaves. It would put its legs up onto a leaf and accidentally flip upside-down, ambling laboriously to the water like a newborn kitten. On Sunday, I think, when I went for a walk I saw a black snake, about 3 cm wide and a meter long.
     I got up only six minutes after sunrise today (6:30). Pretty soon I will be getting up while it is still dark outside. It was rather cold this morning but the height of the day reached about 27 degrees C.
     I have lots of work to do and am very tired, but I am hopeful that I will gain more balance soon.

Best wishes,


  1. "Two Saturdays ago we came home to find what seemed to be a lithobates sylvaticus metamorph sitting on our screen door. It was very adorable." - Love it!

  2. Thanks for writing about what's going on, Silvie. It's great to read all of it. And I must say, your prose is incredibly poetic: "ambling laboriously to the water like a newborn kitten." : )

    1. I actually was noticing a lack of variability in my sentence structure. I tend to write a short clause, add a comma, and then write a longer clause. I was laughing myself when I thought of a turtle perambulating like a kitten; they are two very different animals.

      Thanks : )

