Tuesday, March 24, 2020

March 24, 2020

Lately I’ve been struggling,
Can’t shake the sense I’m drowning.
It seems like there’s no air,
But maybe I just forgot
     the way to breathe.

Lately I’ve been trembling,
Can’t shake the fear I’m losing
     who I’m supposed to be,
Holding happy, love-filled moments
     in my one hand,
My guilt and terror in the other.

Oftentimes it’s best
To keep trudging on through life’s quagmires,
Other times to lie flat
To keep from sinking in the quicksand.

Struggling, struggling
     like a bird in a net,
Like a fish trapped in air,
Like a dancer who has fallen
     and can’t free her foot
From her mind’s own snare.

Lately I’ve been struggling
And wondering
     when I will ever make it out of here.

#punkpoet #punk

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