Sunday, June 2, 2019

A new friend here at Smolny inspired this with a really heartwarming parting. I am grateful to and for all of my friends and for knowing that we matter to each other. This one came with a melody. (Link is not to a movie, just a recording of me singing it.)

It's nice when someone doesn’t want to say goodbye
When the leave-taking hurts so much you start to cry
And you smile truly through those tearful eyes
Because in this wistful feeling - you recognize
The heartache caused only by the cherished tug of friendship ties
Yeah, it hurts sometimes how swiftly our time flies
And it can be so very painful to say goodbye
Yet it’s nice all the same when a friend doesn’t want to leave your side
It's nice when someone doesn’t want to say - goodbye

May 31, 2020
Saint Petersburg, Russia

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