Sunday, January 10, 2016

Frittata - Served With Lightning

In the midst of our post-Christmas discount candy overload, today I made myself a vegetable frittata for probably the first time. Previously I have made mashed up vegetable quesadillas. At this present time, I like this type of thing much better than plain eggs, plain quesadillas, or cheese omelettes, the latter of which I have never liked. It could have used some more lettuce.

Vegetable Frittata - 3 eggs, 1/4 orange bell pepper, shredded romaine lettuce,
some salt (even though I haven't been salting stuff)

It has been rainy all day and for the last half-hour or so we have had a thunder spell with lightning and huge rain drops, possibly with tiny hail. Our extremely sparse snowfall this winter is apparently an effect of the current El Niño phase.

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